Taking the November 7th SAT at MCP?

Mission College Prep will be hosting the SAT on Saturday, November 7th


682 Palm Street

San Luis Obispo


Students must complete the Wellness Survey on the MCP website.

Students must click the email confirmation so that they can prove that they completed the wellness survey.  Or print confirmation and bring a copy to MCP.

Students are required to wear a face mask, not neck gators nor bandanas, at all times.  Mouth and nose must be covered.

Students must observe social distancing of 6 feet at all times.

Students should arrive at 7:30 am.  

All students taking the SAT will meet at the two gates on Broad Street

(A-H in one line, and I-Z in another line)

Students must bring:

A photo id (last year's school id is fine), their

Printed ticket for the October SAT,

A calculator,

Several sharpened #2 wooden pencils (not mechanical pencils),

Optional to bring:

Snack and water (for break time only)

Cell phone (required to be left in a bin)


Free Parking is available in the public lot across from campus on Palm Street (across from the MCP sports field).


If you have questions before the test, please contact Shawna Foster at sfoster@missionprep.org