12th Grade Families:
March is “notification” period for the UCs, the CSUs, and almost all colleges with “regular decision” deadlines. Please celebrate each and every acceptance – and remind your senior (and yourself) that a “deny” or “waitlist” is not a personal reflection of them or their efforts. Students (and you) may grieve – that is natural, but don’t let them dwell on the negative, focus on the positives. And, if your student is anxious, there are many good colleges with “rolling admissions” still accepting applications – just contact Ms. Foster to learn more.
9th-11th Grade Families:
A couple of items…
First, WACAC will be hosting a College Fair on Tuesday, April 28th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. All families are encouraged to attend - it is never too early to start researching and learning about the variety of college choices. As of today, over 50 colleges will be in attendance.
Pre-registration is required. Go to https://app.strivescan.com/registration click on the appropriate box (parent or student) and complete the form. Scroll through the events pull-down menu and click on “03/28/23 Templeton High School”
Second, Summer is Coming… so start preparing now.
Summer is a time when students need to recharge and re-energize, but it is also a time to “engage” – to explore or follow a passion, to earn money, to learn, to volunteer, etc. There are so many activities or classes available to students over the summer – but, most require pre-planning or taking action now.
Colleges all over the country are offering in-person programs for high schoolers. For example: Service Academies (i.e. Naval, West Point, Air Force) have summer programs for rising seniors, Cal Poly has programs for aspiring engineers, UC Santa Barbara has research opportunities, and the list goes on. Google any college campus and “summer programs for high school students” to see what might be available.
Summer school classes are another option – schedules for college courses at Cuesta or Hancock will be available later this month. Information about summer school at local high schools and online will also be coming out later this month.
Summer academics not your passion? MCP will be hosting a Job Fair during Flex. Get your resume ready and listen to announcements to find out date and how to sign up.
Looking for more summer opportunities? Checkout www.TeenLife.com
Wishing you all a strong finish to the semester!