From the Office of Jennifer Blomfield, Counselor

As we start the new school year, you may encounter some changes in your teen. These changes appear in many ways and can be attributed to the added stress that comes with adolescence:

  • School pressure and college/career decisions
  • After-school or summer jobs
  • Dating and friendships
  • Pressure to wear certain types of clothing, jewelry, or hairstyles
  • Pressure to experiment with drugs, alcohol, or sex
  • Pressure to be a particular size or body shape. With girls, the focus is often weight. With boys, it is usually a certain muscular or athletic physique.
  • Dealing with the physical and cognitive changes of puberty
  • Family and peer conflicts
  • Being bullied or exposed to violence or sexual harassment
  •  Juggling school, sports, after-school activities, social life, and family obligations

Here at MCP our Mission of care and accountability extends to your teen’s mental well-being. Our Student Assistance Program helps parents and students with referrals and psycho-educational materials regarding issues that may come up due to the many challenges of adolescent development.

The Student Assistance office has books, pamphlets and articles to check out. Please feel free to call or e-mail Jennifer Blomfield, LMFT if you have any questions.  [email protected]   (805) 543-2131.