Finals begin on Friday, December 15th and run through Thursday, December 21st – depending on your student's classes. You might have some questions and we hope this helps explain the schedule.
Each day of Finals, the students are scheduled to take two finals –a morning final and an afternoon final. Your student depending on their class schedule, might take two finals or just one. Let’s say if your student isn’t taking a World Language class this year (Spanish or Latin), then they would only have one final on Monday, December 18th. They would arrive to school around 10:45 AM to check in and prepare for their 11:15 PM Social Studies final. All exam days are early dismissal which immediate follows their last final of the day.
Conflict Exams are for students who are taking multiple classes in the same subject area and need to schedule a Conflict Exam. An example is if a student is taking two Science classes like AP Physics and Anatomy in the same semester. The Science final is scheduled for Tuesday, December 19th and the student cannot be in two science finals at the same time. The school’s academic department will arrange for the student to take their second science final on a Conflict Exam day. It is also the student’s responsibility to confirm this prior to the start of the Final Exam weeks. If your student doesn’t need a Conflict Exam, then it is a day off and their Christmas vacation begins early. The Conflict Exams are scheduled on Wednesday, Dec. 20th and Thursday, Dec. 21st. The Academic department will notify your student of their test day and time.
Final Exams with Accommodations – these are pre-scheduled with the Academic’s department.
Please encourage your student to get lots of rest and eat a good breakfast. Lunch is not served during finals in the Café so students should bring their lunch. Students cannot leave campus for lunch. The Café will be serving ‘break foods’ from 10:30-11:00. Students should also bring a bottle of water. Otherwise, their teachers will let them know what materials they will need for their finals (pencils, calculators with extra batteries…). The dress code is relaxed during testing, the student will be informed of what they can and can’t wear and we will include it in the Royal Pride Weekly newsletter.
*Be sure to have your student eat a healthy breakfast and get rest. This can be a stressful time for them.
If you have an emergency or illness, please contact the school's Main Office immediately and Brittany Guerra at [email protected].
Final Exam Times: (see website for Final Exam with Accommodations times)
Morning: 9:00 – 10:30 AM (arrive no later than 8:45)
Lunch/Community/Study Time: 10:30-11:00 AM
Afternoon: 11:15 – 12:45 PM (arrive no later than 11:00)
Dismissed after your last final.
Final Exam Schedule: *Watch the website calendar for any updates.
Friday, December 15th
- Morning: Religion
- Afternoon: Math
Monday, December 18th
- Morning: World Language (Foreign Language)
- Afternoon: Social Studies (History/Economics…)
Tuesday, December 19th
- Morning: Science
- Afternoon: English
December 20-21: Conflict Exams (Must be pre-scheduled through Director of Curriculum & Counseling by Monday, Dec. 11th); otherwise No School
Friday, December 22nd: Christmas Break begins