Student Council Election Results 24/25

Rising Seniors (Senior Class of 2024-2025)

President: Wyatt Newsom

Vice President: Reese Wilson

Secretary: Contact Mr. Krossa if Interested

Treasurer: Contact Mr. Krossa if Interested

Spirit Leader: Mathew Kenefick


Rising Juniors (Junior Class of 2024-2025)


We will have a runoff between Xavier Edwards and Grace Nano for President and Vice President

Check 5 Star to Vote. Voting closes Tuesday at 1pm


Treasurer:  Contact Mr. Krossa if Interested

Secretary:  Ava Wright

Spirit Leader: Andrew Orr


Rising Sophomores(Sophomore Class of 2024-2025)


We will have a runoff between Wade Safreno and Bella Ciampi for President and Vice President

Check 5 Star to Vote. Voting closes Tuesday at 1pm


Secretary: Olivia Anzaldo

Treasurer: Mariposa Morrisey

Spirit Leader: Noah Werner