Locker Room Spring Cleaning
We are cleaning the field locker room and the Boys/ Girls Locker rooms in the athletic hallway. All items left on the floor (excluding stuff in sports bags) has been placed in the lost and found in big buckets. If you have items in a locked locker please remove them. If you would like to keep stuff in your locked athletic locker, please email Mr. Krossa at [email protected] by Monday, February 27th and tell him the locker number you would like to keep. On Tuesday, February 28th, all items left in the locker room will be removed. (except locked lockers that owners emailed Mr. Krossa and stuff in clean/orderly sports bags).
All Items left on the floor, top of lockers, in unregistered lockers with Mr. Krossa, and not in sports bags will go to the lost and found buckets. Unclaimed Items left in the lost and found buckets will be donated to the Mission Thrift Store on Friday, March 1st.
Lost and found buckets can be found in the locker rooms and at the end of the athletic hallway.